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How much does using Zilch cost me?
How much does using Zilch cost me?

Learn more about where you’ll be charged for using Zilch (and where you can use it absolutely free)

Updated over a week ago

At Zilch, we try our best to make sure you never incur extra costs when you shop. However, you may be charged a fee when making a purchase at a store we’re not affiliated with.

Where can I shop fee-free?

When you Pay now, you’ll never be charged fees – that’s absolutely zero.

There are also thousands of stores you can shop at using Pay over 6 weeks with no fees. You can view them all on the Zilch app.

Where will I be charged a fee for using Zilch?

It’s worth noting that using Zilch Anywhere to Pay over 6 weeks will incur a fee of up to £3. It’ll also cost you up to £3 to use Pay over 6 weeks online or in-store using Apple, Samsung or Google Pay.

Don’t worry, fees will always be made clear at the checkout.

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