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Refunds and returns
What happens to my payment schedule when I return some items from my order?
What happens to my payment schedule when I return some items from my order?

Here’s what to expect when you make a partial refund

Updated over a week ago

If you’ve only returned part of your Pay over 6 weeks order, we’ll apply the refund cost of these items to your future instalments. If your partial refund is less than the balance you have left to pay, we’ll refund you the difference.

FYI, refunds are applied starting with your final payment, working backwards to your most recent payment.

Will I need to make payments while I wait for my refund?

Yes. Until the store has accepted your return and processed a refund, you’ll still have to repay any instalments due on your account. Don’t worry, processing a refund is usually speedy and you’ll be refunded any money owed to you once this has been done.

What if I used Pay now?

If you've chosen to Pay now, you’ll receive the full refund amount back to your card.

Will the Zilch Anywhere fee be refunded?

Unfortunately not. We’re unable to refund the £3 Zilch Anywhere fee unless the original order was cancelled by the retailer within 24 hours.

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